Our music workshops give individuals the opportunity to learn how to play rock, pop, and electronic musical instruments, DJ, and develop skills in singing, songwriting, and group music-making. A typical day might include a singing and signing session, working with a group on an original rock song or beats and rhymes track, creating a DJ set for an upcoming gig or even making a music video. We try to keep our sessions as varied and interesting as possible and give our learners choice about what they want to achieve. We believe anything is possible for our musicians, and support even the most inexperienced budding muso to just join in and create fantastic music they feel proud of.
We pride ourselves on giving our learners access to high-quality equipment, including industry-standard DJ decks and music production software. We create music and songs about issues that matter to the people in our groups, with a real push on creating original material. Our groups get regular opportunities to produce music videos as well as gig at events and festivals like Tramlines, and to DJ at our regular nightclub at the Leadmill.
It helps them make music that is powerful, surprising and challenges perceptions of what they can achieve.